Comfort Grand Prix Double Flap Dressage Saddles
The Comfort Grand Prix saddles are our Traditional, double flap range of Dressage saddles.
They have changed quite a lot over the years, however still provides the rider with a deep seat and large adjustable knee blocks for a secure and supportive seat (also available with smaller blocks for horses who have their own knee rolls!) .
Now available in a number of tree and panel options, the Comfort Grand Prix Dressage saddle can fit a large range of horses ranging from the High Withered Thoroughbred to the widest, flat backed Highland and everything in between .
The Grand Prix range Includes the immensely popular Native options known as the “Grand Prix Cob” . This saddle despite being manufactured on the widest of trees still allows the rider a deep supportive seat , medium twist and good leg channel. the range concludes with the Grand Prix Extra which despite its extra deep seat has the knee rolls positioned in the same place as our Comfort Elite Cadence Monoflap to allow for a longer leg or shorter stirrup position.
Our Grand Prix Saddles.
Available in a range of seat sizes from 16½” the Grand Prix Saddles start at £2195 and the Grand Prix Extra £2295 . We have also made then with a shortened panel to fit shorter backed ponies.